Throughout the Bible fire symbolizes God's presence, power, and works: during the Exodus God led the Israelites by day in a pillar of fire, while at Pentecost tongues of flame rested upon the heads of believers filled with the Holy Spirit. Ultimately, this divine fire is intended to kindle within us a passion for God and for doing his will. The FireBible's notes and commentary will show readers how the spiritual empowerment that began at Pentecost is available today, and is a gift to modern followers of Christ. This unique volume's detailed book introductions, notes, and other features will greatly benefit anyone interested in living the Christian life in the fullness of the Spirit.
Special Features:
- Trusted NIV translation
- Concordance
- Themefinders track 12 important topics through the Scripture
- Book introductions with note-taking space
- Extensive bottom-of-page notes
- 45 in-text maps and charts
- Easy-to-use detailed cross-reference system
- More than 80 key issue articles
- Commentary from a Pentecostal/Charismatic perspective
- Subject index for topical studies
- Glossary of practical definitions of terms and concepts
- 7-point black letter type
- Silver page edges
- Ribbon marker